Contact Us
If you would like to be contacted by the pastor or staff of Temple Baptist, you can
fill out the form below. But we encourage you to call us or come visit with us! We
would love to meet you, and you will always be welcomed!
Arendell Street (US 70) in Morehead City to North on 20th Street. After passing the
Champion Street intersection, the church will be on the left side. For a map to the
church, click the link on the Yahoo! Maps.
Temple Baptist Church
1411 North 20th Street
P.O. Box 842
Morehead City, NC 28557
Phone: 252-726-5653
Fax: 252-247-5646
Contact Us
All rights reserved to: Temple Baptist Church Morehead City, NC Copyright 2017 For technical issues please contact webmaster.
Where everybody is somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord!
Temple Baptist Church 1411 North 20th Street P.O.Box 842 Morehead City, NC 28557
Phone: (252)726-5653 Fax: (252)247-5646